HOW IT ALL STARTED ... the first dog breed chow-chow, to which I had first met, what is called "live", was a great bitch Fu Hsiu-Chin Yang-Gu, owned Daneevoy Svetlana (Chelyabinsk).
It was a fantastic flame-haired dog with a lion's mane, thick legs, unusual language. A face! .. That person with such a unique expression of cunning and superiority over all but adored mistress
ahayuschimi present, I realized: it - mine! "It was winter 1988goda. My dream is realized only happened in the summer of 1991. My first was a black chow SAN KRI-Jeanty CHUNG CWE ITC (Mutsik), son of San Cristobal (vl.Rudakova) and Van Hay-Shin Lo La Chunkvuo Jeanty (vl.Fedyaeva) This was the first in Nizhny Tagil chow. Mutsik had great hair, the exclusive case, excellent reach of neck, a clean head. But along with this, not a strong bond and a penchant for dermatitis. In 1993 I acquired the first female - Qin Shi ZO-shu Yuan, the first daughter of Shi-Ling (vl.Scherbakova) and Qing Shaolin
(Vl.Cherpakova). It was with this dog and began my formation as a breeder chow. It was a great dog cinnamon color - small, with a strong backbone, bulky muzzle, a wonderful device movement, which gave a very worthy descendants. Unfortunately, Zosia exhibited little, and the title of "Champion of Russia" was introduced later ... Zosia became the ancestor of our blue chow. It was from her mating with Blues Legortom (vl.Tasheva) in January 1995 the I received one of the first blue-chow in the Urals. Chaushisty Urals remember blue mucin BEAD BLUES (vl.Dvoynikova and Svetlichnaya) and her brother, cinnamon Bucks (vl.Artamonov), no time wins in the exhibitions at that time. Unfortunately, the bead early and died without issue ...
From matings with FOIA Mutsikom received red Vasilinka (vl.Kazakova), which became the ancestor of the finest chow Kennel "From Cossack Stan." This was our first Chow in the city, which received title CAC on Vseuralskoy exhibition in Yekaterinburg in 1997.